Who is the Spradley Elementary PTO?

It is all of us. A committed and dedicated group of parents who work in partnership with the school, Spradley families, and the community to enhance and create as many experiences and educational opportunities as possible for our children.


The Spradley PTO is a non-profit organization. We do not receive any outside funding and rely solely on the generosity of our families and community for both their time and resources. 

What is our purpose?

Our vision is to serve our children and their school in such a way that we pave the way for them to become life-long learners.


We achieve this by cultivating an environment in which we actively demonstrate to our children that we are advocates and supporters of their education, their dreams, and well-being. We ensure that the most critical years of our childrens’ education is rooted in involvement from parents, teachers and the community working together because if we give the best of ourselves, they learn to be their best selves.

What does the PTO do?

  • We unite parents and teachers towards a common goal - advocating for the needs of all of our kids and finding the resources necessary to make them successful. 
  • We give of our time- because every child should know that they are supported and cherished within their community. 
  • We host not only educational events, but the fun parties and family/community events that you and your kids attend throughout the year. 
  • We fund raise because your monetary donations help make all of this possible. 
  • We keep you informed and up-to-date with what is going on at the school.

Your Commitment as a PTO member

As a member you are committed to fulfilling the purpose of our organization. Volunteering is not mandatory; however, it is a large component of what makes us successful in serving our kids and their school. We strongly encourage every family to donate at least two volunteer hours per school year. 





