SPRADLEY DADS -- Watch D.O.G.S. (Dads of Great Students) is a family and community engagement educational initiative. The program comprises fathers, guardians, step-fathers, grandfathers, uncles, and other father figures interested in volunteering to serve Spradley Elementary in various ways to promote positive male role models. We would love for you to serve with us this year. Please click here to complete our Watch D.O.G.S. Interest Form for the 2023-2024 school year and we will share more details with you.


Q. If I served last year, am I required to purchase another t-shirt?

A. No, you can wear your shirt from last year!


Q. If I completed my PISD background check last year, do I need to do it again?

A. YES!! This district requires all volunteers to complete the PISD Volunteer Application (background check) annually.


Q: If I sign-up, do I have to serve or volunteer a minimum amount of time?

A: No, there are no minimum requirements to sign-up. We would love to have you participate as much as you can! Each opportunity is a maximum time investment of 30-45 minutes.


Q. Can moms or other female figures participate in Watch DOGS?

A. Of course! We recognize that our M.O.M.S. (Moms of Marvelous Students) bring essential perspectives and experiences to our school community. Since the majority of our volunteers are MOMS, Watch DOGS is a targeted effort to get more dads and male figures involved in ways that are meaningful to them.


Q. Are there any other Watch DOGS merchandise items available, like a dry-fit shirt option or hat?

A. These items must be ordered by Spradley PTO/Spradley Admin, so we plan to offer a pre-order option for some additional items. 


Check out the Watch DOGS national program website. Although every campus runs its Watch DOGS program differently, there are a lot of good resources and insight into the overall program.